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About a NOOB (me)

This is Bob. He is a star. #yourastarbob

Welcome to my crappy under construction website!!

Thanks for visiting. Most likely you got here by one of my other media posts. There is a Merch shop feel free to make a purchase. If there is a product that you would like me to design, let me know. I can have a new product up and live in about five to twenty minutes.

I am just a Dad with a Peter Pan complex. I make a bunch of strange and pretty content. I have no idea what this company is going to be all about, hence the name of the company. You can put anything between two pieces of bread. I make the in between LOL.

I am learning every day. I could use any help or suggestions. I would LOVE some fan artwork that had to do with the logo. That would be saweet!

TYVM for visiting!! Buy a sticker 😉